Monday, September 7, 2009

Pirate Costume you can make yourself.

Since I had requests for a boy's costume idea, here it is! Why not make your little boy into a Pirate for Halloween? It can be simple and easy and you can use things you already have. For the shirt use a long sleeved white t-shirt. Take some black fabric paint and paint some stipes on it going around the body and around the sleeves. Or you could sew on or use wonder under to attach some big black stips of fabric or ribbon to the t-shirt to make the stripes. Next take a black pair of pants, (you know the ones for church that are too short now) cut them at the bottom making points all the way around the legs. If they are brother's and the waist is too big get a piece of rope or twine and use it as a belt. Invest in some red & white striped fabric and rip a piece long enough to tye a round your child's waist like a sash, make sure to have it long enough to hang down a little. Then Take a stip of the striped fabric wide enough to cover your child's head and tye it down in the back. You can make your own eye patch out of black felt and some black ribbon cutting out a semi circle of felt and sewing the ribbon on either side so you can tye it around the head or you can purchase one. Here is a picture of a sword & eye patch I found on line. Ahoy matey!

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